Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Resignation - Master Accounts Coordinator

John Chmara  I  Credit Manager
Hilton Anaheim Hotel
777 W Convention Way  I  Anaheim CA 92802  

Dear John,
I am writing to formally notify you that I am resigning from my position as Master Accounts Coordinator with Hilton Anaheim Hotel.  I am leaving my position effective July 16th this is due to my previous vacation request and summer vacation to Cancun starting July 17th.
This was not an easy decision to make. I am grateful for the rewarding employment I've had with Hilton Anaheim Hotel.  I started working January 10th 2005 as a part-time employee through AppleOne temp agency helping in Zana’s desk Accounts Payable. Officially hired through Hilton on May 16th of 2005 as Guest Billing Agent on December 19th of 2005 transfer to House Accounts/Banquets Coordinator on February 25th of 2007 transfer to Night Audit and finally on September 13th of 2007 started working as Master Accounts Coordinator a challenging & satisfying job for me through the past almost 6 years.
Leaving my Hilton Family was not an easy decision I have made many friendships, I have been through many memories over the past 8 years including one of the most special days the birth of my Son Sebastian on July 25th of 2011; therefore, after much consideration about My Family and Dreams vs. My Job today with mixed emotions I am closing a chapter on my life and happy and anxious to start a new future.  Today, I am choosing to be with family & follow my dreams of Freedom, Family, Hope & Reward.
I have enjoyed working here and appreciate all that I have learned. I appreciate the opportunities & trust I have been given at Hilton Anaheim and your professional guidance and support.  I wish everyone I work with and the company success in the future.
If I can be of assistance during this transition, please let me know.

Sagineth (Sai) González
I  Master Accounts Coordinator

Thursday, January 3, 2013

01-03-95 Happy 18th Birthday BaBy

How is it possible that it’s already 18th years? 

How is it possible that 18th years ago today My BaBy was born during a rainy day & just in time so that me & my other brothers will meet her prior to flying back to Mexico since it was almost time to go back to school. 

My BaBy, how is it possible that the Baby I carried around, the Baby I dress up when I never like playing with dolls but I just fall in love with you & you became my Baby, you became my real doll, the Baby that I changed many diapers, the Baby that I showered countless time, the Baby I took to school so many times & many times more than one believe me to be your Mom because after all you were my BaBy, the Baby my Sister of which I have so many memories is already 18th.

You are the Baby whom I have seen become a beautiful girl & seen your personality develop to the strong woman you are today.  Baby Happy Birthday I am sure I’ll updated the pictures & celebrations on your special day.

Today I just want to say that I hope God keeps on guiding & protecting you in the years ahead so that you fulfill all your dreams.  Okay, about time that we start the process & get that Drivers License   

Me & Sebastian Love You to the Moon & Back & no matter how old you get you’ll still always be My BaBy.

Pictures to follow computers not helping today

New Beggining!

Yes it’s a new start to a journal, to a keepsake of a journey to achieve goals, to dream bigger, to record the memories of my little family. 

Amazing that over a year ago I started this new idea of a blog as a diary as my journal; however, as sometimes it happens with a good intention life gets in the way & we are distracted.  Today I am starting with many doubts in my mind, it’s hard to start again; starting anything again is not an easy task it’s hard.  Overcoming that doubt about yourself, about a past experience is not easy because starting again is much harder than the first time. 

Let’s be honest I could be pretty indecisive at times for instance I have doubts on whether I want a blog in Spanish which is my primary language as I was born & raised in Mexico until 16 years old & there are certain traditions or due to the language are easier to explain in Spanish.  Nonetheless, I have live in the US almost the same amount of years & there are certain things that are easier said in English for me as after all I am surrounded half of the time talking, listening & reading in English. There’s family that only speak Spanish and I will wish they may understand what I say, yet my kids (well one for now, but hopefully more) that will most likely prefer to read this memories in English & I will like to turn this letters into books for them.

I have doubts about being able to really maintain the blog & memories this time.  I have doubts about what to write? Should I trust, should I share what I really feel & want.  You see sharing my life has gotten me in trouble in the past which I didn’t minded, I do not tend to care about being judge or having a different view, I have learned in the past that no matter what I cannot control what other do & not because of that I will lock myself & stop leaving my life, I do not mind if I am let down by those I trusted but, but I do mind when it affects my family.

This year and the next and the next is something I want to document, I want to be able to look back at our life today.  I know life goes by fast too fast for my like.  I once change my sisters diapers & my gosh today my baby turns 18th, not to long ago I was preggo & today my baby is a 17 months already.  We cannot control our tomorrow but we can control what we do today & today I want to write so tomorrow I can refresh my forgetful mind of the little things that if it wasn’t because of a picture or a note I’ll forget.  Yes, I am totally like the lady on the NoteBook & many times I’ll forget even what I was wearing yesterday.

It’s so hard to accept & I do not want to say it out loud.  I am starting this year with the most fears, most doubt in myself than ever there’s so much doubt do I settle with a day to day life but in the back of my mind I know there’s more & it’s impossible to settle. 

There’s so much doubt & amazing expectations for 2013 it’s hard to explain.  This year I do not have a New Years List of Resolutions this time I just want to do, I am not setting myself for deception on overstated wishes this year is more like a new beginning a continuation to achieve & complete past goals just like this blog. This year I’ll just start Dreaming Bigger again & trust again as only God knows what successes are in your future, but be 100% certain that whatever they may be, the only way to achieve them will be to continue Risking, Taking Chances & Showing Outrageous Courage.  This year I’ll once again what I have done in the past I’ll Overcome my Self-Imposed Limitations to find my true Potential

This year will be a turn point in many areas that I want to record the journey & memories.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Un Resumen De ♥Mi Embarazo♥

HoL@!!! BeBe,
Debo de contarte que ansiaba tanto este embarazo y todo iba fenomenal sin embargo hay algunas cosas de las que ya me arrepiento por ejemplo no haber tomado esa foto semanal para ver el progreso de la barriga y también el no haber escrito tan constante mis Recuerdos.  Por supuesto que hay algunas cosas que no puedo olvidar y han quedado muy grabadas pero hay tantas otras cosas que desafortunadament he olvidado.
Bueno Comenzemos
Creo que pudiste haber sido mi regalo de B-Day pero decidi esperar unos dias y el 14 de Nov, 2010  ya no pude con la curiosidad me escape a la farmacia y compre la prueba que necesitaba y en efecto esta vez fue positiva.

Una Prueba de Embarazo Dio Positiva el 14 de Noviembre Le Di La SoRpReSa a Rudy Ese Mismo Dia en DisNeyLanDia... 

12-01-10 Rudy y Yo Fuimos al Dr. Asi Que Despues de Confirmar Una Vez Mas el Embarazo Decidimos Contar La Noticia 

El Valiente De tu Papa Comenzo Practicando Dar La Noticia Con Mis Hermanas Lo Unico Que Pudo Decir Despues de La Risa x Los Nervios Fue:  Van a Ser Tias!!!!
Al Saber La Noticia en el Parking de La Target Dijeron **We Knew it**   Por Supuesto Brincaron y Gritaron y Todas Contentas Una Vez Enteradas

Les dimos a Mis Papas La SoRpReSa Pre-ReGaLo de NaViDaD!!! (El Regalo de Navidad sigue Dando regalos)
 Mis Hermanas ayudaron a Preparar La SoRpReSa para Mis PaPaS!!!

12/12/10  2 Meses, 1 Dia!!!   8 Semanas, 6 Dias Faltan 217 Dias!!!  
Por cosas de tu Abuela y Mi Tia NoheMy creiamos y nos ilusionamos que tendriamos GeMeLoS ;-) 

12/14/10 Primerca cita con el Ginecologo escuchamos el Latido de tu Corazon

12/16/10   El BeBe!!!   9 Semanas, 3 Dias Faltan 214 Dias!!!  
Como podran ver GeMeLoS no son =(

Lunes 01-31-11   16 Semanas, Faltan 168 Dias o 24 Semanas!!!  
Mide 5.5 Pulgadas y Pesa 6 Onzas. 
El BeBe Puede Agarrar con Sus Manos, Patear, y dar Marometas =)   Ya Puede Hacer Gestos y Abrir su Boca, Sus Uñas Estan Formadas, Sus Pies ya Son un Poco Mas Largos ke Sus Manos...

02-07-11   17 Semanas, Faltan 161 Dias o 23 Semanas!!!  
Your BaBy is More Flexible With Ability to Move Head, Mouth, Lips, Arms, Wrists, Hands, Legs, Feet, and Toes.

02-14-11   18 Semanas, Faltan 154 Dias o 22 Semanas!!!  
San VaLenTiN Celebra el @MoR, La @MisTaD y La FaMiLi@ aveces Felices cuando Tenemos con Quien Celebrar y aveces no tanto...   Mi San Valentin SuPeR, SuPeR Especial y Muy, Muy Esperado Gran Sorpresa y Expectativa Nos Esperaba ya ke agende Ultrasonido para Saber el Sexo del BeBe sin Embargo casi Nos Vamos Sin Saber Como Dice Mi Hermana *Un Pequeño Timido ke no Se Dejaba Ver ke Era pero al Final Nos Dejo ver ke Es  Un Niño*   Ahora La Batalla Sera Decidir el Nombre Pero Estamos Felices =)

21 SeMaNaS de Embarazo
Debo contarte que nos ibamos de VaGaCioNeS a Guadalajara y Toluca Marzo 10-15, 2011 asi que el 9 de Marzo o ultimo dia de trabajo estaba super ocupada terminando varia cuentas asi que puedo decir que andube practicamente corriendo de un lado a otro y estresada con terminar todos los pendientes.  Sali tarde del trabajo y de ahi a terminar de empacar ya que el vuelo a GDL salia a la 1am si un dia muy largo y pues a mi me fascina viajar pero este viaje mi BeBe te torture mucho y te traia tan cansado que por primera vez eso de los viajes no me gusto para nada fue muy incomodo y creo que para ti tambien y despues del dia tan largo al parecer no te gusto la altura asi que comenzastes a aventar pataditas si te sintio tu Papa, tu Abuela y ya en GDL te dejastes sentir de tu tio Erik

Mar 13, 2011
22 SeMaNaS de Embarazo
Estando en Mexico aprovechamos para ver un Juego del Toluca
Nimodo creo que el BeBe no tiene opcion mas que ser un Diablito ♥
Bueno dijera Aldy solo le van a dar una ayudadita para que le vaya al Mejor ;-)
Marzo 15, 2011
22 SeMaNaS
Foto de despedida (Aeropuerto GDL) con Mi Sobrino Aldy Hermoso que lo Quiero Muchote...
Se me puso muy triste pero pudo ver a su BeBe en la pancita y yo FeLiZ de verlo a el
Abril 3, 2011
25 SeMaNaS o Casi 6 MeSeS - Movimiento Constante
Fuimos al boliche y te dejaste sentir por tu Tia Irania y de ahi pues en la semana comenzamos a mirar como te mueves en la barriga, si ahora ya se nota en la piel como te mueves y ya te dejaste sentir por tus tias y tus abuelos.Yo fascinada y contenta con verte mover y sentirte - Te Quiero Mucho y estoy ansiosa por conocerte

Abril 18, 2011
27 SeMaNaS
Solo 5 minutos de tacones por lo menos para la Foto (:
Nunca se puede perder el glamour!
Al fin ni se pueden ver los pies hinchados! Haha (:
Bolita muy activo dando vueltas en la pansita (:
Viernes 22 de Abril senti(mos) por primera vez lo que debe ser hipo si y creo que se porque es un movimiento mas suave y constante y tus movimientos pues ya son muy marcados...
28 SeMaNaS Faltan 84 Dias para conocer al BeBe!!!
Nos Escapamos al Baile a ver la Arrodarora
con Mi Mama e Irania pero estaba vendido asi que solo tomamos fotos
Batimos Record Subimos 10 libras en 4 Semanas
Bueno dejando la tortilla y el pan y a cambio haciendo ejercicio bajamos 5 libras
asi que todo en orden y a la fecha llevamos 18 Libras Subidas =)
La Rutina de Ejercisio x lo general consiste en Caminar
5 Kilometros o 3 Millas y trato de hacerlo 3 veces x semana =)
Esta SeMaNa ya estamos en 31 SeMaNaS de Embarazo y lo que yo llamo cuenta regresima ya que
ahora podemos contar las semanas que faltan para tu llegada con un numero
Si, 9, 8, 7, 6 etc.
Tenemos otras cuantas fotos nuevas que pondre pronto
Por el momento ya alarge mucho este ReSuMeN =)

Mar 10, 2011